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NFTs and Copyright: How is Copyright Applied to NFTs?

Published on
June 26, 2023
Alexander Sachs
Alex is an experienced entrepreneur with a passion for blockchain technology. He has been working in the industry since 2016, making his expertise available to both small and large companies. After many successful collaborations, Alex decided to focus on his own business and founded NFTFolio, a software company specializing in NFT portfolio management.

In recent years, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have become one of the hottest topics in the cryptocurrency and digital art world. NFTs are digital artworks stored as unique, distinct tokens on a blockchain platform. These tokens can function as digital certificates that attest to the authenticity and ownership rights of an artwork. In this context, the question arises of how copyright is applied to NFTs.

Copyright on NFTs

Copyright is an important tool for protecting the intellectual property rights of artists and creators. It grants the author the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, modify, or translate their works. With regards to NFTs, the question arises as to whether copyright is applied to the token itself or to the underlying digital artwork.

Generally, copyright is applied to the digital artwork certified by the NFT. However, the NFT itself also represents a new object that can be protected by copyright. This means that the creation and distribution of NFTs without the permission of the author may be considered a violation of copyright.

Copyright and Contracts

It is important to note that copyright is not applied to NFTs alone but in conjunction with contracts entered into between the parties. If an artist wants to sell their work as an NFT, they must enter into a contract with the buyer that governs usage rights, licensing, and other terms.

In this contract, the artist must specify the terms for the use of the NFT and the underlying artwork. These terms may, for example, restrict the buyer's rights to distribute or resell the NFT. If the buyer uses the NFT or the artwork in a manner that does not align with the terms of the contract, the artist can assert their copyright and sue the buyer.

Copyright and Blockchain

A unique aspect of NFTs is their storage on a blockchain. The blockchain is a distributed database that transparently and immutably records every transaction. This means that any changes to the NFT, including its ownership, are recorded on the blockchain.

As the blockchain is a public and immutable record, copyright on NFTs can be better enforced compared to other digital artworks. An author can easily prove that they are the original creator of the artwork and that they have not infringed on their copyright by selling the artwork as an NFT. Furthermore, the artist can also track who owns the artwork and how it is being used.

However, it is important to note that blockchain technology also presents its own legal challenges. Some of these challenges include the difficulty of storing certain types of legal documents on a blockchain and dealing with contracts executed on a decentralized platform. Despite these challenges, blockchain technology has the potential to improve the enforcement of copyrights on NFTs.


Overall, copyright on NFTs is a complex topic that raises many legal challenges. It is important for artists and creators to protect their rights by entering into clear contracts with buyers and placing their artworks on secure and reliable platforms.

Blockchain technology provides a means to enhance the enforcement of copyright on NFTs, but there are still legal challenges that need to be addressed. In the future, it will be important for regulators and legal professionals to tackle these challenges to ensure that copyright is appropriately applied to NFTs.

NFTs und Kryptowährungen nft portfolio